Effect of spur dike as a protective structure on riverbend using a mathematical model CCHE2D (Case Study: Hormozgan Minab River)

Document Type : Research Article


1 Professor, Faculty of Environment, University of Tehran

2 MSc. in Watershed Management, Department of Natural Resources, University of Hormozgan

3 Assistant Professor, Soil Conservation and Watershed Management Research Institute

4 Graduate Master in Watershed Management, Department of Natural Resources, University of Yazd


Instability of river bank leads to lots of problems in short and long terms. Gradual destruction of river bank, consequently, gives rise to risk for structures and lands along the river coast. It can cause the field of sedimentation, reducing local angle of meanders and finally, making a new path for river. The current study presents a numerical modeling of the effect of successive spur dike on flow and sediment patterns and provides protection for the bank of Minab River using two-dimensional model CCHE2D. The parameters used for calibration include water depth and flow rate, measured in three river banks. At this stage, optimal networking of different models were used, moreover, Network 50*500 was chosen because it was closer to the results of field measurements. The results of this study show that geometry of river flow and sediment regulated and guided the breakwater in the Thalweg river velocity and shear stress influences, so that a spur dike can decrease velocity by 66 percent, leading to deviation of maximum velocity lines from the banks and river bank zone, obviating 20 cm erosion and substituting 5 cm sediment on bank zone and finally it will establish and protect river banks.


Main Subjects

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Volume 4, Issue 2
June 2017
Pages 615-626
  • Receive Date: 16 January 2017
  • Revise Date: 16 April 2017
  • Accept Date: 15 March 2017
  • First Publish Date: 22 June 2017
  • Publish Date: 22 June 2017