Water Quality evaluation of Dez River in the Dezful hydrometric station

Document Type : Research Article



The purpose of this study was to compare the Dez River water quality in the Dezful hydrometric station for human drinking water, industry and agriculture. This study by cross-sectional method used data from the period of 39 years. Sampling was carried out on the basis of physical and chemical parameters were determined. The results with World Health Organization standards, charts Schuler and agricultural standards for drinking water quality animals were compared. Most water quality variables with values in the range are the World Health Organization standards. The values of all variables was evaluated qualitatively EC, TDS, PH, Ca, Mg, Na, So4 and Cl standards and TH and HCo3 were exceeded The average value of 5.189 milligrams per liter is difficult parameter. And average monthly change bicarbonate water equivalent dose of 158.023 mg per liter indicated in Dezful. Compared with World Health Organization standards can be found that the water quality of the river within the city of Dezful dose is 5.89% higher than the permissible limit. And Dez River Hydrometric station Dezful, but hard water is almost. water quality suitable for agriculture was evaluated on the basis of SAR. Schuler charts all variables are evaluated in good condition. Using the diagram wilkocs Dez River in category C2-S1 was evaluated as well as the quality of drinking water for livestock and poultry, and no problem is too good.


Main Subjects

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