The causes and management strategies for restoring rivers by using SWOT analysis (Case study: Gamasyab river)

Document Type : Research Article


1 Faculty of New Sciences and Technologies, University of Tehran

2 M.Sc. Student of Nature Engineering, Faculty of New Sciences and Technologies, University of Tehran.


One of the most basic issues that currently the country and even the world is faced with the problem of lack of water and drying up of rivers, wetlands, lakes and etc. In this context, investigated for the reasons and the effects and consequences is essential. In this study, we have tried to use the SWOT matrix for drying river Gamasyab be examined. In this regard, using the rating scale to the fundamental causes of the crisis was Gamasyab River based on weighted scores given by experts to be the most important strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats found. Investigation showed that the total internal factors evaluation matrix weighted rating strengths and weaknesses (3.02) from the mean value, which indicates that more companies and individuals in the management of the river and respond appropriately to internal factors of points it has used force against weaknesses. Also check matrix of external factors or environmental assessment showed that the total weighted scoring opportunities and threats (2.54) was lower than the mean value, which represents the companies and individuals involved in river management Gamasyab appropriate response to external factors Do not show weakness, and good use of the opportunities and deal with threats not yet well. With regard to the issues raised by the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to internal and external factors stated SO, WO, ST and WT Gamasyab river was proposed to solve the crisis at the end of the plot, or a variety of competitive strategy best proposals to solve the crisis and the proper management of the river was Gamasyab.


Main Subjects

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  • Receive Date: 30 April 2015
  • Revise Date: 22 August 2015
  • Accept Date: 15 June 2015
  • First Publish Date: 15 June 2015
  • Publish Date: 21 March 2015