Qualitative Evaluation of Surface Water Resources of Hiv basin

Document Type : Research Article


1 Faculty of New Sciences and Technologies, University of Tehran, Iran

2 M.Sc Student ofEcohydrology engineering, Faculty of New Sciences and Technologies, University of Tehran, Iran


Water quality in each area, indicates the impact of geology, climate and anthropogenic pollutants. Monitoring of water quality in most cases result in complex data which shows the perfect act of water resources, so they need appropriate method for analyzing. In this study hydro-chemical evaluation of Hiv basin which located in west of Hashtgerd have been done. To measure the concentration of main cations and anions, totally 12 samples from surface water resources at the year 1393 and 1394 were collected. By Wilcox diagram which shows the capability of water for agriculture, the class of the water set in C2S1 that is suitable for farming. According to Scholler diagram, water consumption for drinkingis acceptable and also in comparing to Iran standard and International standards, it is admissible.Piper diagram which use for hydro-chemical assessments, shows that the class of water set in CaSO4(anhydrite) and CaHCO3 which are for evaporate rock and hard water , respectively.
Key words: Water quality, Water resources, Hiv basin, Wilcox, Scholler
Water quality in each area, indicates the impact of geology, climate and anthropogenic pollutants. Monitoring of water quality in most cases result in complex data which shows the perfect act of water resources, so they need appropriate method for analyzing. In this study hydro-chemical evaluation of Hiv basin which located in west of Hashtgerd have been done. To measure the concentration of main cations and anions, totally 12 samples from surface water resources at the year 1393 and 1394 were collected. By Wilcox diagram which shows the capability of water for agriculture, the class of the water set in C2S1 that is suitable for farming. According to Scholler diagram, water consumption for drinkingis acceptable and also in comparing to Iran standard and International standards, it is admissible.Piper diagram which use for hydro-chemical assessments, shows that the class of water set in CaSO4(anhydrite) and CaHCO3 which are for evaporate rock and hard water , respectively.


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Volume 3, Issue 2
June 2016
Pages 141-149
  • Receive Date: 21 February 2016
  • Revise Date: 10 December 2016
  • Accept Date: 10 December 2016
  • First Publish Date: 10 December 2016
  • Publish Date: 21 June 2016