Analysis of the role and position of organizational stakeholders in the executive management network of water resources in Garmsar plain

Document Type : Research Article


1 Ph.D. Student of Combat Desertification of Semnan University, Semnan, Iran

2 Associate Professor of Desert Studies College, Semnan University

3 Associate Professor, desert studies Faculty, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran

4 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Tehran, Karaj


Organizational stakeholders network Analysis can be considered in integrated and participatory water resources management approaches. The aim of this research was to use the network analysis model for understanding the role and position of organizations related to the executive level of water resources management In Garmsar plain. Accordingly, 29 organizations were identified as the network boundaries. Based on the role and position in the network management of water resources, these were divided into three developmental, protective and intermediate groups. The coherence and sustainability of this network were studied based on network level indicators. According to the results of indicators at the network level, the link density of information exchange and cooperation is poor and does not benefit from a proper distribution among the subgroups. Based on the subgroup level indicators of the network, the density rate of the central actors is equal to 82.2%, while the density between the periphery actors accounts for 5.6%. The results also emphasize the need to reduce centralization within the network and to strengthen the relations between intermediate and peripheral actors to achieve the integrated and participatory management of water resources.


Main Subjects

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Volume 4, Issue 4
January 2018
Pages 1011-1024
  • Receive Date: 28 February 2017
  • Revise Date: 30 April 2017
  • Accept Date: 17 May 2017
  • First Publish Date: 22 December 2017
  • Publish Date: 22 December 2017