Modeling Wet Period Rainfall magnitude in the North and South Coasts of Iran Using the Generalized Gamma Model

Document Type : Research Article


1 University of Hormozgan

2 Hormozgan


This research uses the generalized gamma family models to estimate the precipitation in the high and low rainfall regions of Iran during the wet seasons in the southern and northern coast during 1986-2016. Hence it provides an applied model for interpretation and forecasting of wet conditions in future. Through this study, we have used the generalized gamma (3 parameters gamma), gamma, Weibull and the log normal models. To select the best fitted model we used some criteria such as the AIC and the BICand the k-s test has been applied for the goodness of fit test in R software. Finally the best fitted models have been used for computing the maximum event in return periods from 2 to 100 years of the southern and northern coast. The results also showed that the Weibull distribution had the best performance of the stations of the Oman sea coastal while the gamma model had the better fitting at the stations in the middle part of the Persian gulf coast. In addition, the generalized gamma model had the best fitting in the high rainfall stations in the north of the country and the stations in the west part of Persian Gulf coastal. The outputs and techniques which used through this research can be used basically for selecting the suitable distribution functions for fitting on the precipitation data during the wet seasons in the southern and northern coast of Iran.


Main Subjects

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